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Naruto Shippuden is a popular anime series that follows the adventures of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja who dreams of becoming the Hokage, the leader of his village. Along his journey, he encounters many enemies and allies, as well as powerful creatures known as tailed beasts.

These are living masses of chakra that have different forms and abilities depending on the number of tails they possess. There are nine tailed beasts in total, each with a name and a personality.

However, there is also a tenth beast that is said to be the origin of all chakra and the progenitor of the other nine. This is the Ten-Tails, a fearsome entity that plays a major role in the plot of Naruto Shippuden.

In this article, we will explore the history, appearance, personality, abilities, and significance of the Ten-Tails in the anime Naruto Shippuden. We will also discuss its relationship with other characters and its impact on the world of Naruto. If you are a fan of Naruto Shippuden or curious about the Ten-Tails, read on to learn more about this mysterious and powerful creature.

All about Ten-Tail

  • Status: Incapacitated
  • Kekkei Genkai: Wood Wood Release
  • Kekkei Mōra: Rinne Sharingan
  • Classification: Tailed Beast
  • Jinchūriki: Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki/Obito Uchiha/Madara Uchiha

What is The Ten-Tails?

The Ten-Tails (十尾, Jūbi) is the combined form of Kaguya Ōtsutsuki and the God Tree, created to reclaim the chakra inherited by her sons, Hagoromo and Hamura. It is regarded as the progenitor of chakra, and is tied to the legend of the Sage of Six Paths and the birth of shinobi1.

Long before the founding of the hidden villages, during an era of endless wars between mankind, the God Tree, a tree revered as a deity, bore a chakra fruit once every thousand years.

It was later revealed that the Ōtsutsuki clan planted the Ten-Tails seedling onto the earth with the intent to drain all chakra from the planet so that it could produce a chakra fruit for them to harvest.

Although it was forbidden to consume the God Tree’s fruit, it was eaten by Princess Kaguya Ōtsutsuki, who used the power it granted her to end the wars plaguing the lands. Some time after this, Kaguya gave birth to two sons who became the first people born with chakra.

As Kaguya’s sons grew up, they learned to use chakra and taught others how to do so as well. They also opposed their mother’s tyrannical rule and her plan to use the Infinite Tsukuyomi, a genjutsu that traps everyone in a dream world, to create peace.

Kaguya feared that her sons would take away her chakra and power, so she merged with the God Tree and transformed into the Ten-Tails. She then waged war against her sons and their allies, but was ultimately defeated and sealed by them.

Hagoromo, who became known as the Sage of Six Paths, became the Ten-Tails’ jinchūriki (a person who has a tailed beast sealed inside them) and later split its chakra into nine smaller entities that would become known as tailed beasts.

Centuries later, its revival became the objective of Madara Uchiha and Obito Uchiha, who both sought to become its jinchūriki in order to further their goals. They planned to use its power to cast the Infinite Tsukuyomi on everyone and create a world where their ideals would be realized.

To do so, they needed to gather all nine tailed beasts and seal them into the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path, which was actually the husk of the Ten-Tails. They also needed a Rinnegan user (a rare eye technique that grants various abilities) to perform the Six Paths: Chibaku Tensei technique (a sealing method that creates a massive sphere) to revive it.

What Does The Ten-Tails Look Like?

The Ten-Tails has gone through several transformations throughout its existence. Its original form was that of a gigantic tree with a single eye on its trunk and numerous branches that extended into the sky. It also had roots that spread across the land and drained chakra from living beings.

When it merged with Kaguya, it took on a more animalistic appearance. It had a bulbous body with multiple spikes protruding from it. It had ten tails that resembled those of different tailed beasts. It had six limbs: two arms with clawed hands, two legs with hoofed feet, and two appendages on its back that could function as wings or arms.

It had a single eye on its forehead that resembled Kaguya’s Rinne Sharingan (a combination of Rinnegan and Sharingan), which could cast powerful genjutsu and manipulate space-time.

When it was revived by Obito using eight out of nine tailed beasts (excluding Kurama), it had an incomplete form. It resembled a bloated mass of flesh with a single eye and a mouth. It had a single tail that split into nine at the end. It had no limbs and could only move by dragging itself on the ground.

When it absorbed the chakra of the remaining tailed beast (Kurama) and the Eight-Tails’ tentacle, it reached its mature form. It resembled a mixture of a dragon, a rabbit, and a horse. It had a slender body with scales and fur.

It had ten tails that were shaped like flowering stalks. It had four legs with clawed feet and two arms with clawed hands. It had two horns on its head and a single eye that could change shape depending on its mood. It had a mouth full of sharp teeth and a long tongue.

When it was controlled by Madara, it took on a humanoid form. It resembled Madara himself, but with white hair and skin. It had ten black magatama markings on its back and chest.

It had two horns on its forehead and a third eye that was the Rinne Sharingan. It wore a black cloak with red clouds, similar to the Akatsuki’s uniform.

Ten-Tail’s Background

Long before the founding of the hidden villages, during an era of endless wars between mankind, the God Tree, a tree revered as a deity, bore a chakra fruit once every thousand years.

It was later revealed that the Ōtsutsuki planted the Ten-Tails seedling onto the earth with the intent to drain all chakra from the planet so that it could produce a chakra fruit for them to harvest.

Although it was forbidden to consume the God Tree’s fruit, it was eaten by Princess Kaguya Ōtsutsuki, who used the power it granted her to end the wars plaguing the lands.

Some time after this, Kaguya gave birth to two sons who became the first people born with chakra. Later, deciding that her children’s chakra was rightfully hers, Kaguya combined with the God Tree to become the Ten-Tails itself, which ravaged the land in an ongoing battle with her children.

However, because Kaguya’s true motives were not realised, it was instead believed that the God Tree itself had taken on the form of a monster in an attempt to regain the chakra that Kaguya had stolen.

In the final confrontation between the Ten-Tails and Kaguya’s sons, Hagoromo and Hamura, the two managed to seal the beast into what would become the moon; its chakra was sealed separately within Hagoromo and making him the first jinchūriki.

This act, along with many other great deeds throughout his lifetime, resulted in Hagoromo becoming revered as the “Sage of Six Paths”. However, knowing that his death would unleash the Ten-Tails back into the world to continue its rampage and reclaim the chakra he had spread among humanity, Hagoromo separated the monster’s chakra from its body and used his Creation of All Things Technique to create the nine tailed beasts.

Unbeknownst to the brothers, Kaguya had created Black Zetsu from her will prior to her sealing in order to facilitate her revival. To this end, it spent centuries attempting to unite the chakra of Hagoromo’s sons, Indra and Asura, in order to awaken the Rinnegan in one of their reincarnations.

Eventually, thanks to Black Zetsu’s machinations, the Rinnegan would once again manifest itself in one of Indra’s descendants: Madara Uchiha.

With his new power, Madara summoned the empty vessel of the Ten-Tails back into the world and named it the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path.

Joined by Obito Uchiha, who continued his work after his death, Madara devised a means to reunite the Demonic Statue and the tailed beasts back into their original form so he could use the Ten-Tails to enact his lifelong ambition: the Eye of the Moon Plan.

What is The Ten-Tails’ personality?

The Ten-Tails is a primal and savage being that has no sense of reason or morality. It only acts on its instinct to consume all chakra and destroy everything in its path. It has no regard for life or death, and does not care about the consequences of its actions.

It is also extremely arrogant and confident in its power, believing that it is the supreme being in existence and that nothing can stand against it.

The Ten-Tails is also very hostile and aggressive towards anyone who opposes it or tries to control it. It hates humans for stealing its chakra and defying its will. It especially despises the tailed beasts, who are its offspring, for betraying it and siding with humans. It also resents Kaguya for using it as a tool and Madara for manipulating it.

The Ten-Tails is also very intelligent and cunning, despite its animalistic nature. It can communicate telepathically with other beings, and can understand human speech and emotions. It can also devise strategies and tactics to overcome its enemies, such as using genjutsu, creating clones, or changing forms.

The Ten-Tails is also very loyal and obedient to Kaguya, who is its original self. It recognizes her as its true master and follows her commands without question. It also shares her vision of creating a world where there is no conflict or suffering, even if it means enslaving everyone under the Infinite Tsukuyomi.

Ten-Tail’s Appearance

The Ten-Tails is brown in colour and titanic in size one of its hands is larger than any of the tailed beasts. While the beast possess multiple forms, common attributes include a single eye, which takes up most of its head, and spiky protrusions growing out of its back in a shape reminiscent of a conch shell.

When it was initially revived in an incomplete form, the Ten-Tails possessed a grotesque bulb-like body with long arms and clawed hands, but no visible hind legs, as well as a wide mouth with multiple rows of pointed teeth and a single spike on its chin.

Dark veins similar to those of a plant ran along its body, and the endings of its tails resembled leaf buds, which unfurled as it began entering its second form.

In its next form, the Ten-Tails took on the shape of an emaciated humanoid with elongated limbs and a twisting neck. It now possessed visible legs, which it used along with its right arm to stand, as its left arm was missing from the elbow down.

The beast’s head was altered greatly, as its eye remained on the front of its head, it grew a single ear on the right side, and its mouth – which now contained straight teeth and bore a grin – moved to the left side, with a single triangular nostril appearing above it. Several horns formed on various parts on its head: two above each side of its face, two beneath its eye, and another below its ear.

As it transformed, the bud-like attachments on its tails detached, revealing extendable tails which ended in humanoid hands. After further maturing, the Ten-Tails’ body became less emaciated, it grew a complete left arm, and it began standing on its hind legs.

It later gained an even more muscular appearance and the horns on top of its head grew in size. When Hagoromo and Hamura encountered the Ten-Tails, it strongly resembled this form, albeit with a bloated appearance and additional spikes on its body. It also towered over entire mountain ranges, being comparable in size to Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki’s Complete-Body Susanoo.

After becoming the Ten-Tails’ jinchūriki, Obito expelled a construct of the Ten-Tails from his body, which then split open to reveal a gigantic tree, much like the original God Tree.

This tree form, which completely dwarfed the Ten-Tails in size, possessed a tall, straight trunk with a single purple bud situated on top, inside of which was the Ten-Tails’ eye. This tree form was initially stated to be the God Tree, but it was later referred to as the Ten-Tails.

When Kaguya Ōtsutsuki lost control over the tailed beast chakra inside her after being hit by Naruto Uzumaki’s Sage Art: Super Tailed Beast Rasenshuriken, she unwillingly transformed into a non-humanoid Ten-Tails that manifested as a bloated, white, rabbit-like form, with the heads of the nine tailed beasts growing from various points on its body. This chakra-based form of the Ten-Tails retained Kaguya’s Rinne Sharingan on its forehead as well as ten tails ending in hands.

What are The Ten-Tails’ Abilities?

The Ten-Tails is said to be the progenitor of all that exists in the world. A god that created countries, it has the power to swallow oceans, split the land, and carry mountains.

Kurama admitted that it alone wouldn’t stand a chance against the Ten-Tails, and stated that the Sage of Six Paths said that its revival would result in the end of the world.

The Ten-Tails cannot be sensed through traditional means as it gives off the same sensations as the natural energy circulating throughout the world. It is also capable of manipulating that natural energy.

When Naruto attempted to gauge the power of the Ten-Tails using Sage Mode, he was overwhelmed by the vastness of the beast’s power, which Kurama claimed was immeasurable. Gyūki stated that the Ten-Tails would be unbeatable if it was allowed to reach its final form.

Chakra and Physical Prowess

Considered to be the source of all chakra, the Ten-Tails has massive and overwhelmingly powerful reserves that are capable of bringing total despair and destruction to the world.

Its potent levels also enable it to survive the death of its jinchūriki, forcing Hagoromo to divide its chakra into several portions (the nine tailed beasts) that are still considered to be immensely powerful.

In subsequent forms, the beast’s chakra increases significantly, enough to completely warp the shape of the Sensing Water Sphere at the Allied Shinobi Forces’ headquarters into two connected spheres after reaching its second form.

Befitting its size, the Ten-Tails has immense physical strength and is deceptively fast, attacking Naruto and Killer B before either of them could react.

It also easily deflected a Tailed Beast Ball with one finger, and created a shockwave strong enough to tear up the surrounding landscape with a single swipe of one tail.

The beast is durable enough to withstand the backlash of its own point-blank Tailed Beast Ball; when its own along with Gyūki’s detonated inside of its body, it briefly inflated before shrinking back down largely unaffected.

Even wind-enhanced black flames only irritated the beast with no lasting damage, despite Amaterasu on its own being able to neutralise Gyūki.

In its second form, the beast’s tails effortlessly broke free from the various restraints created by the Allied Forces, and can freely expand in length and thickness in order to attack distant foes.


As the original tailed beast, the Ten-Tails can create a Tailed Beast Ball. In its initial form, the ball is fired as a continuous beam which could overwhelm Continuous Tailed Beast Balls from both Gyūki and Kurama without losing momentum.

When the Ten-Tails matured into its second form, its Tailed Beast Ball took on a conical shape and gained an immense increase in range, firing speed and destructive power.

By seeing across vast distances with its eye, the beast could hit targets great distances away from itself and destroy both mountain ranges and entire cities with a single shot.

After further maturing, the Ten-Tails demonstrated the ability to unhinge its jaw, allowing it to unfurl a rafflesia-like appendage that functions as a cannon capable of firing massive and extremely powerful Tailed Beast Balls, capable of heavily distorting even the nigh unbreakable Four Red Yang Formation.

Despite being teleported into the middle of the ocean by Minato, a Tailed Beast Ball from the third form Ten-Tails still created shockwaves that ripped through the battlefield.

After amassing its chakra, the Ten-Tails’ roar can stir a series of massive natural disasters spanning the continent. The Ten-Tails also has the ability to manipulate and alter its own body to some extent, allowing it to regrow lost limbs, purge burning flesh from its main body, and form additional hands to grab enemies navigating on its surface.

To defend itself, it can spawn fission beings of many shapes and sizes from its main body, ranging from humanoid to animal-like in appearance, some of which wield weapon-like appendages on their arms.

Other Skills

In its final form, the God Tree’s roots can extend and capture enemies as large as tailed beasts in order to absorb their chakra, turning humans into desiccated corpses in a matter of seconds.

Its jinchūriki can shape these roots into other forms, such as giant wooden dragons. When the bud at the top of the tree blooms and the eye within is revealed, the Infinite Tsukuyomi can be activated.

If the Ten-Tails is revived with only a piece of some of the tailed beasts’ chakra, the bud may take up to fifteen minutes to bloom, though the process can be accelerated by absorbing more chakra.

Those who are caught in the Infinite Tsukuyomi and attached to the roots of the tree are, over the course of years,[46] gradually reduced to shells of their former selves and ultimately becoming White Zetsu.


Madara and Obito could control the Ten-Tails in its first form by producing tendrils from its head, which then attached to their own necks. To properly control it in its second form, however, they had to reinforce their connection using Hashirama Senju’s cells, and Madara suspected it would be impossible to control the beast in subsequent forms without becoming its jinchūriki.

While connected to the beast, Obito was able to use its body as a medium to produce wooden spikes. A wielder of the Rinnegan can use the Six Paths Ten-Tails Coffin Seal to become the Ten-Tails’ jinchūriki, obtaining the power of Six Paths Senjutsu and ten Truth-Seeking Balls.

However, if the jinchūriki lacks sufficient mental strength to control the beast’s power, they can undergo a psychological collapse, allowing the Ten-Tails to influence their actions.

Extracting the nine tailed beasts’ chakra from the Ten-Tails’ jinchūriki does not put them in mortal danger, as the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path’s powerful life force will sustain their life, though they will be left near death and rendered paralysed for several months.

What is The Ten-Tails’ Significance?

The Ten-Tails is a central figure in the history and mythology of the Naruto world. It is the source of all chakra and the origin of the tailed beasts. It is also the catalyst for many events and conflicts that shaped the world of shinobi. Some of the Ten-Tails’ significance include:

  • It is the main antagonist of the Fourth Shinobi World War, a global conflict that involved all the major hidden villages and factions. It was revived by Obito and Madara, who used it to cast the Infinite Tsukuyomi on everyone and create a world where their ideals would be realized. It was eventually defeated by Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Kakashi, and the tailed beasts, who managed to free everyone from the genjutsu and seal Kaguya away again.
  • It is the reason for the creation of the tailed beasts, who are regarded as living symbols of power and nature. The tailed beasts have influenced the lives and destinies of many characters, especially their jinchūriki, who share a bond with them. The tailed beasts also have their own personalities and goals, and have formed friendships with each other and with Naruto.
  • It is the inspiration for many legends and stories, such as the tale of the Sage of Six Paths, who was revered as a god-like figure who created ninshū (the precursor of ninjutsu) and brought peace to the world. The Sage of Six Paths also entrusted his power and will to his descendants, who would later become known as the Uzumaki clan and the Uchiha clan. The Sage of Six Paths also appeared as a spirit to guide Naruto and Sasuke in their fight against Kaguya.
  • It is the manifestation of Kaguya’s will and power, who was regarded as a goddess who brought chakra to mankind. Kaguya was also a member of the Otsutsuki clan, an alien race that traveled across dimensions in search of chakra. Kaguya’s actions and motives have influenced many characters, such as her sons, her grandsons (Indra and Asura), her descendants (the Hyūga clan), and her reincarnations (Naruto and Sasuke).

The Ten-Tails is a fascinating and formidable creature that has played a major role in the Naruto universe. It is a being of immense power and intelligence that can use various abilities to achieve its goals.

It is also a being of immense mystery and complexity that has various forms and personalities depending on its circumstances. It is a being that represents both creation and destruction, both peace and war, both harmony and chaos.

It is a being that challenges the notions of good and evil, right and wrong, reality and illusion. It is a being that has shaped the world of Naruto in more ways than one.

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