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Naruto Shippuden is a popular anime series that follows the adventures of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja who wants to become the Hokage, the leader of his village. Along the way, he meets many friends and foes, and learns about the history and secrets of the ninja world.

One of the most important and mysterious characters in the series is Indra Otsutsuki, the firstborn son of Hagoromo Otsutsuki, the legendary Sage of Six Paths.

Indra is the founder of ninjutsu, the art of using chakra to perform various techniques. He is also the ancestor of the Uchiha clan, one of the most powerful and influential clans in the series.

But who is Indra Otsutsuki, and what role does he play in the story of Naruto Shippuden? In this article, we will explore the character of Indra, his background, personality, abilities, and legacy.

All about Indra Otsutsuki

  • Birthdate: January 4
  • Sex: Male
  • Species: Celestial Being-Human hybrid
  • Status: Deceased
  • Kekkei Genkai: Mangekyo Sharingan
  • Classification: Sensor Type
  • Affiliation: Land of Ancestors
  • Clan: Otsutsuki Clan

Indra Otsutsuki’s Background

Indra Otsutsuki was born as the eldest son of Hagoromo Otsutsuki, the son of Kaguya Otsutsuki, the progenitor of chakra. Hagoromo was the leader of Ninshu, a religion that taught people how to use chakra to connect with each other and achieve peace. Indra had a younger brother named Asura Otsutsuki, who was born with a weak body and no talent for chakra.

Indra was a prodigy who inherited his father’s eyes and intelligence. He learned how to use chakra at a very young age, and mastered all the teachings of Ninshu.

He also discovered how to manipulate chakra to create ninjutsu, a more versatile and practical way of using chakra. He taught his followers how to use ninjutsu, and improved the quality of life for many people.

Indra was expected to be the successor of his father, and he desired to inherit his father’s power and authority. However, he also became arrogant and selfish, thinking that he was superior to everyone else. He did not care about the lives of others, and only focused on his own growth and ambition.

He also developed a rivalry with his brother Asura, who was the opposite of him. Asura was kind and compassionate, and valued cooperation and friendship.

He also had a strong will and determination, and overcame his weaknesses by training hard and working with others. He gained the respect and admiration of many people, including his father.

Hagoromo decided to test his sons by giving them a mission to revive a barren land. Indra used his ninjutsu to create a well and irrigate the land, but he also enslaved the people and forced them to work for him. Asura used his Ninshu to inspire the people and work with them, and together they created a prosperous village.

Hagoromo was impressed by Asura’s achievement, and chose him as his successor. He also gave him his chakra and power, which manifested as a unique ability called the Six Paths Senjutsu.

Indra was enraged by his father’s decision, and felt betrayed and humiliated. He believed that he was the rightful heir, and that his father was blinded by his brother’s deception.

He challenged Asura to a fight, and tried to take his father’s power by force. He also awakened his Sharingan, a powerful dojutsu that enhanced his vision and abilities.

He fought against Asura, who also awakened his own dojutsu, the Rinnegan, which granted him access to the Six Paths Techniques. The battle was fierce and destructive, and it lasted for many years.

Indra was eventually defeated by Asura, and he refused to accept his defeat. He vowed to reincarnate and continue his fight against his brother, until he could claim his father’s power and legacy. He also cursed his brother and his descendants, and started the cycle of hatred and conflict that would last for generations.

Indra Otsutsuki’s Personality

Indra Otsutsuki was a genius and a visionary, who had a great talent and passion for chakra and ninjutsu. He was curious and innovative, and always sought to improve himself and his skills. He was also proud and confident, and had a strong sense of duty and responsibility.

However, he was also cold and aloof, and had a low regard for the feelings and opinions of others. He was arrogant and egotistical, and believed that he was the best and the only one worthy of his father’s power and legacy. He was ambitious and greedy, and wanted to rule over the world with his ninjutsu.

He was also ruthless and cruel, and did not hesitate to kill or enslave anyone who opposed him or stood in his way. He was jealous and hateful, and could not stand the fact that his brother Asura was chosen over him. He was obsessed and vengeful, and dedicated his life to fighting against his brother and his descendants.

He was also influenced by Black Zetsu, a manifestation of Kaguya’s will, who manipulated him and his followers to revive Kaguya and undo the creation of the world.

Black Zetsu praised Indra and fed his ego, and also planted doubts and suspicions in his mind. He also corrupted Indra’s ninjutsu and turned it into a weapon of destruction and oppression.

Indra Otsutsuki’s Appearance

Indra had long brown hair cut short on top. Two locks wrapped in bandages framed either side of his face. His eyebrows were cut short – a symbol of his nobility – and dark eyes. Later, he began wearing his hair back in a long cylinder and gained blue markings around his eyes, which were turned up at the corners.

He wore a high-collared, light-coloured kimono held closed by a dark sash. The collar of the kimono was adorned with magatama. He wore a black full-bodied suit underneath. When battling Asura, he wore full-body armour, and his hair had been let out to flow around his attire.

In his middle-aged years, he gained minor wrinkles on the corners of his mouth and his hair grew flatter and came to mask his left eye.

Indra Otsutsuki’s Abilities

Indra Otsutsuki was one of the most powerful and influential characters in the series, as he was the founder of ninjutsu and the ancestor of the Uchiha clan. He had a vast amount of chakra, and a high level of intelligence and creativity. He was also a master of various types of ninjutsu, and a wielder of the Sharingan and the Mangekyo Sharingan.

Chakra and Physical Prowess

Indra inherited his father’s chakra, which was derived from Kaguya, the origin of all chakra. He had a huge amount of chakra, which allowed him to perform ninjutsu on a large scale and for a long duration. He also had a high level of chakra control, which enabled him to manipulate chakra in various ways.

He also had a strong and durable body, which could withstand the effects of his own ninjutsu and the attacks of his enemies. He had a high level of speed and reflexes, which allowed him to dodge and counterattack with ease. He also had a high level of stamina and endurance, which enabled him to fight for a long time without tiring.


Indra was the inventor of ninjutsu, the art of using chakra to perform various techniques. He discovered how to shape and mold chakra into different forms and elements, and how to use hand signs to activate them. He taught his followers how to use ninjutsu, and created many techniques that would later be used by the ninja world.

He was proficient in various types of ninjutsu, such as:

  • Fire Release: He could create and manipulate fire, and use it to burn and incinerate his enemies. He could also use Hinokagutsuchi, a technique that allowed him to create and control black flames that could not be extinguished by normal means.
  • Lightning Release: He could create and manipulate lightning, and use it to shock and paralyze his enemies. He could also use it to enhance his physical attacks, or to create weapons and projectiles.
  • Yin Release: He could use his imagination and willpower to create and manipulate formless things, such as illusions and shadows. He could also use Genjutsu: Sharingan, a technique that allowed him to cast powerful illusions on his enemies by looking into their eyes.
  • Sensing Technique: He could sense the presence and location of other chakra users, and also their emotions and intentions. He could also use this technique to communicate with his followers telepathically.


Indra was the first wielder of the Sharingan, a dojutsu that enhanced his vision and abilities. He awakened his Sharingan after experiencing intense emotions, such as anger and hatred. He had three tomoe in each eye, which gave him the following abilities:

  • Enhanced Perception: He could see things more clearly and in more detail, and also perceive things that were normally invisible, such as chakra and its flow. He could also see through illusions and disguises, and anticipate the movements and actions of his enemies.
  • Copying Ability: He could copy and replicate the ninjutsu, taijutsu, and genjutsu of his enemies, as long as he had the necessary chakra and physical requirements. He could also memorize and analyze the techniques he saw, and improve them with his own modifications.
  • Hypnotic Ability: He could cast powerful illusions on his enemies by looking into their eyes, and manipulate their senses and memories. He could also control their actions and words, and make them do his bidding.

Indra also awakened the Mangekyo Sharingan, a more advanced and powerful form of the Sharingan. He awakened his Mangekyo Sharingan after experiencing a great loss, such as the death of a loved one. He had a unique pattern in each eye, which gave him the following abilities:

  • Susanoo: He could create and manifest a gigantic humanoid avatar made of chakra, which surrounded and protected him. He could also control and manipulate the avatar, and use it to fight and destroy his enemies. His Susanoo had a complete form, which had a helmet, armor, and wings. It also wielded a sword and a shield, which could deflect and cut through anything.
  • Unknown Ability: He had another unknown ability in his left eye, which he never used in the series. It is speculated that it was related to Yin Release, as his brother Asura had a Yang Release ability in his right eye.

Indra Otsutsuki’s Legacy

Indra Otsutsuki left a lasting legacy in the ninja world, as he was the founder of ninjutsu and the ancestor of the Uchiha clan. He also started the cycle of reincarnation and conflict that would affect many generations of shinobi.

Ninjutsu and Uchiha Clan

Indra’s invention of ninjutsu was a revolutionary and influential discovery, as it changed the way people used chakra and interacted with the world.

Ninjutsu became the basis of the ninja arts, and the main source of power and survival for many shinobi. Indra’s ninjutsu also inspired many other types of ninjutsu, such as medical ninjutsu, barrier ninjutsu, space-time ninjutsu, and kekkei genkai.

Indra’s bloodline and genes were passed down to his descendants, who formed the Uchiha clan. The Uchiha clan inherited Indra’s eyes and chakra, and became one of the most powerful and prestigious clans in the series.

They also inherited Indra’s pride and ambition, and became known for their excellence and arrogance. They also inherited Indra’s curse of hatred, and became prone to violence and conflict.

The Uchiha clan produced many notable and influential characters in the series, such as Madara Uchiha, Izuna Uchiha, Obito Uchiha, Itachi Uchiha, Shisui Uchiha, and Sasuke Uchiha.

They also played a major role in the history and events of the series, such as the Warring States Period, the founding of Konoha, the Uchiha Clan Downfall, the Fourth Shinobi World War, and the revival of Kaguya.

Reincarnation and Conflict

Indra’s vow to reincarnate and continue his fight against his brother Asura created a cycle of reincarnation and conflict that lasted for centuries. Indra and Asura’s chakra and will were reborn in different individuals, who inherited their personalities and abilities. They also inherited their rivalry and hatred, and were destined to clash with each other.

Some of the known reincarnations of Indra and Asura were:

  • Madara Uchiha and Hashirama Senju: They were the leaders of the Uchiha and Senju clans, respectively, and the founders of Konoha. They were friends and rivals, who dreamed of creating a peaceful world. However, they had different visions and methods, and eventually became enemies. They fought for the fate of the world, and their battle resulted in the creation of the Valley of the End.
  • Sasuke Uchiha and Naruto Uzumaki: They were the main characters of the series, and the last reincarnations of Indra and Asura. They were teammates and friends, who shared a bond of brotherhood. However, they also had different goals and ideals, and eventually became enemies. They fought for the future of the world, and their battle resulted in the end of the cycle of reincarnation and conflict.

Indra and Asura’s cycle of reincarnation and conflict was also influenced by Black Zetsu, who manipulated and used them to revive Kaguya and undo the creation of the world.

Black Zetsu was the one who instigated the hatred and violence between Indra and Asura, and their reincarnations. He also manipulated the Uchiha clan and the ninja world, and created many wars and tragedies.

Indra Otsutsuki was a complex and fascinating character in the Naruto Shippuden series. He was a genius and a visionary, who created ninjutsu and the Uchiha clan. He was also a villain and a victim, who started the cycle of reincarnation and conflict that affected the ninja world. He was a character who shaped and changed the history and destiny of the series.

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